Tuesday, January 17, 2012

verbal throw up, random ideas off the top of the dome

i have realized that over time things that were at one time huge issues in your life soon become very small. For instance when i was little what color crayon I colored with was a huge issue. Over Time, people don't seem the same either, people who seemed so strong and wise when younger are really just as clueless as you are. Thats really what we are in this life, clueless. I don't care how high of a GPA you have or how many degrees one has you still are clueless when it comes to the game of life.Life i have realized is like a tree with many branches, basically we all start from the ground we start as a little seed (litterally). we grow and we branch out we have differnt areas.we all are given the same basic opportunities in life from the beginning. at first, it is our parents choice on how we grow as the little tree we are. then after time it is our turn, this is the most diffucult and most important step. because life is a bad teacher, it gives the tests before the lessons. As I've grow ive noticed a few things, even the one person who said they would never disappoint you will, you WILL have your heart broken more than one time,but this teaches a valuable lesson because you must remember how it felt when your heart was broken. I know i am rambaling this is sort of verbal diareaha i have all these ideas and i just let my fingers type, this is me unedited my thought straight from the top of the dome. so today i found out my grandfather is in the hospital and let me tell you if 2012 is just a taste of 2013 maybe the apocolypse wouldnt be sooooo horrible.well, i must end this madness now i will hopefully be back tomarrow, though i doubt a sing soul read this.
